“agnostic” atheism.

I am disinterested in establishing that my perception is dominant or persuade people with my views. If some of my views hurt anyone, I seriously apologize for it.

If there is an entity that is responsible for every action in this World, then only two plausible reasoning exists.

1. The Holocaust, Genocides and other brutal events would have also been scripted by so called divine spirit. Then, such entity is no different from a psycho. Some even promote that such entity shows us both the good and bad ways and that we make out of those options but to me, if you guide a person with two options, knowing that the alternative will be miserable, you are simply a psycho, enjoying others’ miseries by fallibly misguiding. All good deeds, if it had done any, would necessarily vanish or would be annulled.

2. No such entity exists.

By reasoning #1, I don’t want to benefit from such a tainted entity, if at all it exists. Therefore better suffer than benefit from it.

By reasoning #2, I don’t expect any miracles to happen J

Either way, I think my stance is right. So I maintain “agnostic atheism”, believing myself and happily attribute every success or failure to my own decisions.

Furthermore, Genocides, The Holocaust, Revolutions and Imperialism suggest that “only fittest survive”. This principle sounds valid to the recent wars, the political oppressions in many countries and even to the “dynamics” in the organization we work and in many day to day scenarios. But still I feel essence of life is in firm struggle in such environments, for we don’t have any other good reason to survive. All these struggles evolve us (or later generations) to be the “fittest”, after all no one is born fit or ever fit.

However, I view religion and few rituals as something different in fact with great reverence. It “was” coded well but was transformed as it reached us through our ancestry. It was a code of conduct and a guide for better living. The underlying reasoning was not appreciated or passed on, while simply dictated rules were forced for generations. This fundamental gap stops me accepting at its entirety. I don’t simply ignore them but, follow whichever that answers the questions spawned from my “little brain” (there are people who simply escape claiming “outside our reasoning” philosophy).

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